Good afternoon,
Working in concert with the Gloversville Police Department, the Gloversville Enlarged School District has investigated reports of an alledged school shooting planned for tomorrow, October 21st at GHS. Collectively, we deem this threat to be completely unsubstantiated. It appears to have been fueled by wildly inaccurate and irresponsible speculation promulagated by both scholars and adults on social media. This is very unfortunate as it causes unnecessary anxiety and distraction from the important work of educating the youth of our community.
Safety of our scholars and staff is our highest priority. We take every alledged threat seriously and ask all scholars, parents and guardians to be mindful not to post baseless accusations on social media or engage in unnecessary fear mongering. If a seemingly credible threat is posted on social media, please capture the image or text and promptly report it to school officials and/or law enforcement. If your child tells you of alarming statements made by an individual in school or in the community, please be mindful to capture the specifics of the alledged comments and report it to school officials and/or law enforcement as well. As a community, we all need to be cognizant of the potential impact of our words and the importance of being level headed and deliberate when processing sensitive information.
I encourage all parents and guardians of age appropriate scholars to have this important conversation.
Dave Halloran |

Investigated reports of an alledged school shooting
October 20, 2022