Chrome book sign-ups are now available!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Sign Up
Download our mobile app and have total access to our news stories, complete staff directory, live feed, documents and more! Go to the app store and search "Gloversville ESD"
over 4 years ago, Communications
mobile app
mobile app
mobile app
Keep an eye on our website and mobile app for important updates and videos about GESD reopening plans.
over 4 years ago, Communications
GHS reopening video
View the districts reopening plans by clicking on "2020-21 Reopening Plan" in the menu.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Please click on the link below to view the results to our reopening survey.
over 4 years ago, Communications
the results are in
Fall sports have been delayed to Monday, September 21st. Sign ups will open up on Family ID on Monday, August 21st.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Simply gorgeous!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Drone image of GHS and GMS
"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know" -Pema Chödrön
over 4 years ago, Communications
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know
It's a beautiful day!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Drone Photo of GHS field
Every new day is another chance to be a better person than you were the day before.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Every new day is another chance to be a better person than you were the day before.
Check out our short drone video:
over 4 years ago, Communications
We can't wait to film all of our events with our new done!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Drone Photo
Click on the link below to view our 2020-2021 calendar
over 4 years ago, Communications
Happy 4th of July
over 4 years ago, Communications
4th of July
The GESD Special Board Meeting is scheduled for today, July 1, 2020, at 6:30pm and will be available for the public to view remotely via the Internet or phone. To view the live stream of the Board of Education Meeting, follow the instructions below. Click on this link to join the meeting: CLICK HERE When prompted to log in to Google, use the credentials below: username: password: Gloversville2020* *Please note the password is case sensitive. You will be able to view a live stream of the event. While this event will be view-only, comments and questions are always encouraged and can be submitted in the following manner: Via the U.S. Postal System to {234 Lincoln Street Gloversville, NY 12078 Via email to
over 4 years ago, Communications
School Board Meeting
Our Scholarship Awards Ceremony will premiere at 6 pm.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Scholarship Awards
GHS presents the 2020 Scholarship Awards Ceremony where we will award over $1,000,000 worth of scholarships to GHS seniors and juniors! This is an hour long ceremony, so grab your popcorn and get comfortable because you won't want to miss this! Click on our YouTube Link to watch at 6 pm tonight or you can view the virtual ceremony on our district facebook page.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Scholarship Awards
GESD prepares Gloversville parents and students for remote learning.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Shout out to Bob Rockwell our Director of Facilities who always makes sure the district is in tip top shape!You and your team are all greatly appreciated!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Bob Rockwell, Director of Facilities
Shout out to Cindy Vose our Director of Registration who does an awesome job making sure that the registration process is as smooth as possible. You're appreciated!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Cindy Vose, Director of Registration